Release notes July 2021

This version is released on 27 July 2021 at 22:30 GMT+2

Changes for attendees

Show a preview of an image sent in the chat module

When sending a message with an image to another attendee, you and the other attendee will get a preview of this image in the chat thread. 
By clicking on the image it will be enlarged in a lightbox to view the image at full resolution.

Dismiss notifications as meeting owner

As a meeting owner you get notified when somebody enters your meeting. In large events you may get a lot of notifications from all users entering your meeting. We added the functionality to dismiss all notifications of users joing your meeting in one click so that you do not need to dismiss them one by one. Once you have selected ‘dismiss all’,  the new notifications will still be shown to make sure that you will get notified. 

Changes for event organisers

List of all users within your organisation

In the recently added organisation settings, we added a list of all users that have ever been to one or more events of your organisation. 

In this list you will be able to search by name, email address and filter on ‘organisation owner’. 

If you click on a user, the user details will appear. Here you can find a list of which events that person attended and what roles were assigned to this person. In case you would like to change some of these roles, you can click on the name of the event and a new tab will open to edit the settings for that user in that specific event.  


Extra filtering in the user list of an event

In the user list you can now search for all users having a specific role assigned. This allows you for example to search for all users who are meeting owners or even find all the meeting owners of one specific meeting. 


Undo and redo actions in the visual editor

The visual editor becomes even more user friendly by adding the options to undo an action in case you did something wrong. We keep a history so you can undo multiple times. In case you pressed ‘undo’ too many times, you can still redo the previous action to navigate through the history of actions. 

We added icons on top of the editor to use these actions or u can use our defined keyboard commands (windows: ctrl-z & ctrl-y | mac: cmd-z & cmd-y). 

Extended Excel report with ‘total time in the event’* 

When generating the extended Excel report after an event you will have an extra column to have an indication on how long each user has been on the platform. 

* the time will be an estimate and due to some technical reasons in some cases this may differ from the actual time. 

Copy meeting url for standard meetings 

We added a very small but handy feature to copy a meeting url from a meeting that is set up by the system in case you would like to share this url. 

Navigate back to the parent for nested items in the Visual Editor

The components Booth, Door and Big screen have child elements. When a child element is selected, the properties of this child element are shown on the left. We added an extra link on top of the properties to go back to the parent element.  

Extended our button functionality

With a button of type “Icon and text” you are now able to change the size of the icon. When creating large buttons this is highly recommended to match the icon size to your font size.

Deep linking into the dashboard

Now you can copy the url of the position where you are in the dashboard and share this url with a colleague or bookmark the page. Previously you went back to the last event that your were editing but now you can directly jump into the correct event and module how you would like it to be.

For example you can bookmark the rooms list of 2 different pages and directly go to the correct event’s rooms list. This is a very interesting feature for users that organise multiple events or work together with colleagues on one event. 

In addition we added a lot of extra small changes and fixed some small issues

Book a private demo

Are you interested in getting to know Thola? Register here for a free one-to-one demonstration.

During this interactive demo we will give you a tour of the platform, showcase our features and give you some inspiration on how to use Thola for your hybrid or virtual events. Ofcourse we will also take time to answer any question you might have about the platform and its functionalities.